21 de December de 2023
The Zurich Maratón Donostia-San Sebastián 2024 has already set a date
● San Sebastián’s Marathon will be held on Sunday 24th of November 2024
The 46th edition of the Zurich Maratón Donostia-San Sebastián has already confirmed the date for its next event, which will take place on Sunday, 24th of November 2024. After reaching the participation record with 7,500 participants and a record number of registered Marathon runners (3,500) last November, the San Sebastián’s Marathon has once again proved that it is one of the most important Marathons in the country.
Moreover, the San Sebastián’s Marathon has been the starting point of the Zurich Las 5 Grandes Circuit, the first circuit that brings together the TOP5 marathons held in Spain: San Sebastián, Barcelona, Seville, Madrid and Valencia. To be able to complete it, it is necessary to have finished these 5 long distance races, although it is not necessary to complete them in the same year, starting to count the participations from 2020.
With 3 distances available (42K, 21K and 10K), the Expo Sports and the Gosaria Run (5km training run on Saturday, as a prelude to the big event), the Zurich Maratón Donostia-San Sebastián wants to repeat its great running party next year. A day in which one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and with a great athletics tradition wants to show its passion for the race of Philipides in a new edition.